Nú svevur Phelps eisini í telti

Michael Phelps varð herfyri smurdur av í síni yndisgrein 200 metra firvaldasvimjing, tá ið hann á heimabana á 2011 Eric Namesnik Michigan Grand Prix kom inn sum nr 4 í tíðini 1:57.79, meira enn eitt sekund aftanfyri kinesiska Wu Peng á 1:56.62. Kanska tí er hann nú farin at sova í ilttelti, sambært SwimNews.com eftir egnum hugskoti, tí hann á hæddarlegum merkir at hann plagar at koma skjótari fyri seg millum venjingar.

Phelps has also been experimenting with different training techniques, including sleeping in an altitude tent at night to strengthen oxygen production. He came up with the idea – one that has been in operation in Australia and China, among other countries for many years now, when he and Bowman discussed why he always trains better at the US Olympic Development Center at altitude in Colorado Springs.

“It looks like my bed is like a fish tank,” Phelps said. “Right now, I’m sleeping at [the equivalent of] almost 6,000 feet above sea level. You can feel it when you open the door in the morning. I do feel like my body is recovering faster than it was without it. We’re going to work our way up to 10,000 feet. We’ll see how it goes. Right now, I feel better in the water than a couple months ago, so I’m encouraged. I feel like ‘What’s the worst thing that could happen?’ “

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