Guðrun Mortensen føroyskt met og juniormet við 27.23

Guðrun Mortensen (1997) úr Susvim og Birita Debes (1995) úr Ægir svumu í morgun 50 frí í 1. riðli. Í riðlinum var eisini Tatiana Perstniova (1996) úr Moldovia. Guðrun Mortensen vann riðilin og setti nýtt føroyskt met og juniormet við tíðini 27.23. Shaila millum Garðarnar átti gamla senior metið 27.32, sum bleiv sett í DM 2009. Birita átti juniormetið 27.93 frá HM í 2009. Tíðin hjá Biritu í morgun var 27.94. Fult fokus var á føroysku svimjarnar í Eurosport, ið kallaði riðilin fyri føroysk meistarakapping í Debrecen. Sí hvat bleiv sagt í Eurosport undir videorútinum.


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Eurosport: “Two Faroe Islands swimmers together. A little national competition coming up for them. Good technique of the block, keeping the weight over the front of the block. And away we go! Faroe Islands Championships playing out here in Debrecen. There in (lane) 4 and 5 the Faroes. Debes and Mortensen… but they’re being overhauled… Mortensen, it looks to be the best of the field. Mortensen it is to take the touch. Pestinova of Moldova seperating these two Faroes swimmers. Now we’re on the way. 8 heats then of these sprint freestyle. These three swimmers finishing on 27 point for all of them, so a good race. So the results confirmed. 27.23 starts us off.”

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