Ian Crocker kolldømdi sum kunnugt 4 x 100 blandað stafettina hjá USA á HM í Melbourne seinasta sunnudag, og oyðilegði harvið møguleikan hjá Michael Phelps at vinna metnógv gullheiðursmerki á éinari stevnu. Á blogginum hjá sær á SwimRoom.com lýsir hann nú støðuna hjá sær sum at hava fingið eitt arr afturat at liva við.
Úr blogginum:
“When you’re swimming well at a high level, everyone is your friend. Everyone and their brother wants to shake your hand and congratulate you and try to catch a piece of the magic. This is not wrong, it just is. The media loves you, and all the reporters always want just one more quote. It all seems surreal, because it is. It’s fake. You don’t know who loves you or even just respects you, until you fall. And in a career with any kind of length, you’re bound to fall at least once. When I did last Sunday the media did their job. I can respect that. You don’t have like all that you respect. There obviously weren’t any people there to shake my hand afterwards, but there was something else. I had countless coaches, members of the staff, and swimmers pay me compliments on my character, their level of respect for me as an athlete, but far more important as a person.“
Crocker skrivar annars øgiliga væl. Viðmerkingarnar nevna so gott sum allar hvussu væl hann lýsir støðuna, sum til dømis tá ið ‘crackinup’ skrivar “You’re a heck of a storyteller. I came here first for Ian the swimmer, but I keep coming back for Ian the writer. You have an awfully compelling way of weaving words into a colorful story that tells us more about you than any journalist ever could.”. Ella tá ið ‘mina’ skrivar eitt sindur stytri: “you really know how to describe things with words!”.
Annars sær swimroom.com út til at vera ‘staðið’, har størstu svimjarar skriva, um teir ikki heldur brúka sína egnu heimasíðu. Tey skriva ikki øll líka nógv og væl sum til dømis Crocker, men har eru altso bloggar hjá heimsstjørnum sum Katie Hoff (heimsmet í 400 blandað), Lenny Krayzelburg (fyrrverandi heimsmethaldari), Ryan Lochte (heimsmet í 100 og 200 rygg) Kirsty Coventry (OL-gull í Athen 2004)og Michael Phelps (heimsmet í øllum møguligum). Og tú kanst stovna ein blogg, um tú vilt, umframt at har er forum og video og annað gott.
Myndin av Ian Crocker er fingin av tribuneindia.com, og er sambært Google her loyvd at brúka og broyta so galið man vil, eisini við handilsligum endamáli.