Av heimasíðuni hjá evropeiska svimjisambandinum, www.lenweb.org:
Pal Jönsen proved to be the big surprise in swimming. He was not only the most successful swimmer in the men’s events, but also achieved the first ever championship medals for the Faroe Islands at an event of the European Swimming Federation, LEN. Jönsen won three gold medals: 400m (3:51.44min), 800m (7:56.90) and 1,500m freestyle (15:18.37). Russia’s Ekaterina Baklakova also achieved three titles winning the 50m (32.34sec), 100m (1:09.65min) and the 200m breaststroke (2:28.42).
Pál tryggjaði okkum sambært tíðindunum har eitt sættapláss á heiðursmerkjalistanum, frammanfyri Týskaland, Ungarn, Belgia, Frankaríki, Niðurlond, Slovenia, Ukraine, Spania, Grikkaland, Danmark, osfr osfr 🙂