FINA í ferð við at forbjóða ‘superdraktum’

Har skal verða ein fundur afturat í Dubai tann 12.-14. mars, men longu nú sær tað út til at ‘superdraktirnar’ eru á veg út. Her er orðarætta pressuskrivið frá FINA, til at umganga misskiljingar:

Lausanne (SUI), February 20, 2009 – FINA, represented by its Executive and Technical Swimming Commission, Legal, Coaches and Athletes Commissions’ representatives, held today a meeting in Lausanne (SUI) with representatives of 16 swimwear manufacturers in order to examine amendments of the current ‘FINA Requirements for Swimwear Approval’.

Based on FINA’s proposals and contributions discussed at the meeting, the FINA Bureau at its meeting on March 12-14, 2009 in Dubai (UAE) will consider amendments which include :
• DESIGN: The swimsuit shall not cover the neck and shall not extend past the shoulders nor past the ankles;
o The material used shall have a maximum thickness of 1mm;
o When used, the material shall follow the body shape;
o The application of different materials shall not create air trapping effects;
• BUOYANCY: The swimsuit shall not have a buoyancy effect of more than 1 Newton (100gr);
• CONSTRUCTION: Any system providing external stimulation or influence of any form (e.g. pain reduction, chemical/medical substance release, electro-stimulation) is prohibited;
• CUSTOMISATION: All swimsuits of an approved model must be constructed in an identical fashion with no variation/modification for individual swimmers from the samples submitted for approval;
• USE: The swimmer can only wear one swimsuit at a time;
• CONTROL: FINA will establish its own independent control/testing programme. Scientific testing will be conducted by a team led by Prof. Jan-Anders Manson, from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Technology;
• APPROVAL: Swimwear manufacturers will be able to make submissions for approval of swimsuits until March 31, 2009.

In a further step, rules applicable from January 1, 2010 will also be examined by the Bureau.

One of the main aspects to be considered is the limitation of the use of non-permeable material.

“FINA has studied this matter very carefully, and together with all interested parties and the scientific expertise of EPFL, we have reached the best possible result.

“With these amendments, FINA shows that it continues to monitor the evolution of the sport’s equipment with the main objective of keeping the integrity of sport. While we need to remain open to evolution, the most important factors must be the athletes’ preparation and physical condition on achieving their performances”, considered FINA President Mustapha Larfaoui.

Sambært SwimNews, so merkir hetta at fleiri av svimjidraktunum frá 2008 nú verða forbjóðaðar, men at t.d. Speedo LZR ikki verður forbjóðað fyrr enn tann 1. januar 2010, tá ið ein regla kemur í kraft um at avmarka nýtslu av “non-permeable material” (t.e. evni sum onnur evni ikki sleppa ígjøgnum… eg giti her at man vil forða fyri at stoffið er fullkomiliga vatntætt… og tað er skeivt gitt, sum tit kunnu síggja í fyrstu viðmerking niðanfyri!). Craig Lord hevur fleiri aðrar viðmerkingar í hasari greinini; men tað týdningarmesta er nokk hetta faktum, at “FINA has acknowledged that a problem exists”.

SwimmingWorld Magazine skrivar eisini um avgerðina, og staðfestir m.a. at “The days of wearing multiple suits and doing anything to alter a suit for personal use look to be over”. Har eru longu nakrar áhugaverdar viðmerkingar, um m.a. at “every free individual record since 2000 has been set wearing a legskin suit”; og har koma sikkurt fleiri afturat.

One thought on “FINA í ferð við at forbjóða ‘superdraktum’”

  1. Sambært The Washington Post, so fara flest allar draktir at yvirliva hesar fyrstu reglurnar, har týdningarmesta avmarkingin er kravið um ikki at brúka fleiri draktir í senn. Men ein herðing av krøvunum um í januar 2010 fer mest sannlíkt at krevja broytingar í LZR draktini eisini, við tað at tey tá fara at tosa um ‘permeabilitet’ og ‘kompressión’.

    Og her verður nevnt, at trupulleikin altso ikki er hvussu vatntøtt draktin er, sum eg nevndi omanfyri, men hvussu lufttøtt hon er. Onkrar av hasum draktunum skapa opinbart luftlummar, sum gera at svimjarin flýtur betri. Og tað, viðvíkjandi luftlummum, hevur FINA longu koyrt í lógaruppskotið omanfyri: “The application of different materials shall not create air trapping effects”.

    Og fyri at seta nøvn á: “Speedo’s popular LZR Racer likely will be approved for competition this season, while other suits known more for bouyancy, such as those made by the company blueseventy, might face restrictions”

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