Ekstra Bladet og SwimNews.dk vita nú at siga, at tað allíkavæl ikki varð til heimsmet hjá svensku Therese Alshammar í gjár, tá ið hon á avstralsku langbanameistarastevnuni svam 25.44 í 50 firvald. Trupulleikin var nevniliga, at hon var í tveimum svimjidraktum, í mótstríð við nýggju FINA reglurnar frá leygardegi av, og at dómararnir tí sóu seg noyddar at kolldøma hana. Alshammar hevur valt at kæra avgerðina. Les eisini SwimNews.com
Nú er hatta eitt sindur ótýðiligt sum hon sigur… men um eg skilji tað rætt, so var hon í eini VANLIGARI drakt undir kappingardraktini, ífall at kappingardraktin skuldi skrædna… og til at dekka bróstini betri.
Les eisini hennara orð í The Australian:
“I have obviously not understood the rules of the Australian championships. I was wearing a unisex suit which does not cover my chest completely so I need to wear an old cut-down suit underneath. I thought it was a modesty suit. It’s just so I don’t fall out the side, to feel more comfortable.”
Eg sigi bara “OH MY GOD”, um FINA nú rótar seg út í at gentur og dreingir koma at vísa ov nógv, bara tí at tey ikki kunnu gera ordiligar reglur. Tað er jú líka til at melda til løgregluna.
Sum tað eisini stendur í hasum har í The Australian, so hevur Alshammar orsøk at vera eitt sindur nervøs um hesar skroypiligu kappingardraktir, við tað at hon í Beijing kom út fyri at lynlásið brotnaði.
“She came to Sydney to regroup after a disappointing Olympic campaign, where she was rattled by a zipper malfunction on her hi-tech Speedo suit just moments before the semi-finals of her main event, the 50m freestyle. She failed to reach the final.”
“I would almost claim that’s a bit sexist saying that the men can cover their private parts up with briefs and women can only also wear briefs. I would totally even though I’m Swedish, understand that a modesty suit would be to cover your modest parts. I guess you can’t even wear a modesty suit any more.”
Flott, FINA, nú tvinga tit svimjarar at ganga runt í gjøgnumsiktigum draktum. Og enn flottari, Swimming Australia, at siga at dreingir og gentur kunnu krógva sínar ‘privatu partar’ við trussum, og so kolldøma eina kvinnu fyri at dekka bróstini eisini.
Sum tit síggja á myndini niðanfyri, so er Speedo LZR faktiskt nokk so gjøgnumsiktig í støðum …
Viðmerking hjá teimum á http://www.simma.nu:
Puha, skal FINA nú til at strika heimsmet og OL-medaljur við afturvirkandi kraft, tí tey hava gloymt at reglurnar opinbart allatíð søgdu, at svimjarin bara mátti vera í einari drakt? Hvat nú um tað so endar við at onkur fær medaljuna, bara tí at FINA ikki hevur nóg góða video av viðkomandi, til at kunna prógva at viðkomandi var í tveimum draktum?
Asked for clarification in the case of Therese Alshammar, of Sweden, Cornel Marculescu, Executive Director of FINA, noted the clarity of FINA approvals guidelines, contained in the Dubai Charter agreed last weekend. Those guidelines state:
“That means nothing must be worn underneath. One suit only. That’s it,” said the Director. “We are not having anything that is open to interpretation any more. One suit means one suit.”
Her er kanska ein vón hjá Alshammar, úr somu grein:
A further word from FINA to federations: suit checking should be carried out BEFORE races. Officials must be vigilant, says FINA, and must take out swimmers who arrive at their blocks wearing one suit on top of another, including briefs under a body. NOT allowed, as of March 14.
Up until FINA and USA Swimming released these interpretations, some were reading “one suit” as one technical suit allowed, whereas a more common suit might be worn underneath for the purposes of either modesty or ease of putting on a technical suit. This is no longer unclear, as only one item of fabric is permitted effective immediately in the U.S., as well as abroad based on FINA statements.
Av SwimNews …
Danska Svimjisambandið skrivar her, at FINA hevur lovað teimum at koma við lista yvir góðkendum draktum so skjótt sum gjørligt eftir at tær skulu vera inni til test tann 31. mars… og at draktir ikki mugu brúkast á DM í apríl, sum ikki standa á hesum lista.
FINA har 17. marts præciseret overfor Dansk Svømmeunion, at eventuelle dragter som ikke måtte blive godkendt i henhold til FINAs nye regler vil blive offentliggjort hurtigst muligt efter 31. marts. Det betyder med andre ord, at dragter som ikke godkendes af FINA pr. 31. marts heller ikke vil være godkendte til brug ved DM på langbane i Esbjerg.
Hetta skapar komiskar viðmerkingar í kjaki á swim.dk, so sum: “Men da Fina ikke laver en liste over forbudt men godkendt badetøj, betyder det vel i virkeligheden at intet badetøj er godkendt før Fina kommer med sin liste. Man må så håbe de kan nå at teste alt badetøj samt udgive en liste på under en uge (31/3-7/4) ellers kommer vi til at svømme nøgne… må man i øvrigt det?”
Áhugaverd viðmerking her í SwimmingWorld Magazine:
I think the point of the modesty suit was to keep the athlete modest while putting on the suit not while wearing it. These things can be really difficult to get into (I’ve heard for some of the neck to ankle suits, it can take 30 minutes to get into). I think some athletes are uncomfortable being semi-nude for the time it takes to get them on or struggling with a towel or something else to protect them.
Uff, bretski landsliðsvenjarin Dennis Pursley sigur her sambært SwimNews, at man framyvir verður noyddur at spyrja hvørja drakt tey ungu talentini vóru í, til at kunna meta um teirra talent:
“There are a lot of spin off effects on the suit issue. Developing talent is one of them. Part of the issue is if you are trying to ID talent, in the past you would look at performance and time but now we don’t know what they were wearing. And since it makes a dramatic difference, what they were wearing, how you develop your time standards for age-group ranks and make talent ID and selection … well, there’s a lot of ramifications to suit issue that aren’t even been talked about in the discussion on suits.”
Har eru eisini aðrir áhugaverdir upplýsningar í greinini, so sum at framleiðararnir hava fingið lovað eina avgerð innan 14 dagar (vælsagtans eftir at freistin er farin, tann 31. mars), og at teir síðani kunnu fáa eina eykafreist uppá 30 dagar til at rætta møguligar skeivleikar. Hartil skulu framleiðararnir skriva undir, at teir ikki vilja saksøkja FINA, ífall at teirra draktir verða bannaðar.
Hetta heldur Dennis Pursley í samrøðu við SwimNews.
“It’s an issue right now. I really want to be clear that I think FINA is doing about as good a job as it can do in addressing this issue. I think it will be two or three years before we are where I would like to see us be. I hope that happens but I think it is moving in that direction. I certainly understand that its a complicated issue and that we can’t have a solution in one meet or one week. It is not going to be where I would like to see it in Rome, certainly. Probably not in 2010 either. But hoping that by the time the Games come round in 2012 we will be in the kind of situation that we would all like to see.”
hehe jú sjálvandi um ein vil samanbera við talentir frá “farnu tíð” so er gott at vita um tað var ein Speedo Endurance venjingardragt/drívankar ella ein Blue Seventy flótidragt har tú svimur við turrun ryggi/búki 😉
Men halló, hví setur eingin av hasum sjálforheilagu AUS venjarum ikki spurnartekin við øll heimsmet hjá Thorpe sum øll vóru sett í heildragt, ja langar armar OG bein.
Superdragtirnar eru komnar fyri at vera, at okkurt skal til hjá FINA fyri at tað ikki fer longur út í “raketvidenskab” sigur seg sjálvt, men eg trúgvi ikki at LZR er í vanda. Til tað hevur Speedo sprænt alt ov nógvan pening í FINA til.
“It has reached the point that some swimmers have even urinated in their suits rather than go through the lengthy hassle of extricating themselves in time to answer nature’s call.”