Lesið áhugaverda grein her á susvim.com, um hvussu amerikanskur svimjivenjari á University of Pennsylvania peikar Pál Joensen út sum ein av trimum serliga áhugaverdum nýggjum andlitum á komandi heimsmeistarastevnuni í Rom. Ella lesið orðini hjá amerikumanninum beinleiðis, her á floswimming.org.
Úr blogguni:
2. Pal Joensen- Ok, even i admit this is kind of a longshot. Earlier this season, I mentioned offhand the exploits of this Faroese distance swimmer. A couple of years ago he was a European Junior Champion. He comes from an island nation of 40,000 people that until recently didn’t have roads between towns. Still, they had pools and Pal Joensen is a legit talent. This past year, he made the move to civilization and has begun training in Denmark. At the Danish open last week, he recorded times of 3:48, 7:54 and 15:02. None of those times will be good enough to medal this summer. Still, would you go full bore at a meet like that when you are guaranteed to be your country’s only rep at World Champs this summer? I’m banking that he didn’t, and this summer I’ll be cheering for a Faroese cinderella story in the mile.
Her skrivar Chris DeSantis so víðari um Pál, eftir at hava verið í samband við Jón Bjarnason:
hehe, havi lisið blogin hjá honum nú.. hatta er temmiliga skeg og áhugaver at lesa..
ein spyr í einum innlegi um hatta nú passar, tí tað ljóðaði eitt sindur for yvirdrivið.. merkiligt!..
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so er hann gott nokk sjekaligari í dag!.. hehe, hann klæðir betur at vera trimmaður!….
“Vagur, Färöarnas näst största stad med 1 300 invånare”
hehehe, sviar eru nærum líka óvitandi sum amerikumenn.