Niðurlendski bringusvimjarin Lennart Stekelenburg hevur av álvara set kók í Craig Lord á SwimNews, nú hann (Stekelenburg) á Amsterdam Swim Cup í eini Speedo LZR svam fyrst 1:01.09 í innleiðandi 100 bringu í langhyli, fyri síðani at vinna silvur í greinini aftur í Speedo LZR við 1:01.90 í finaluni, har hann millum báðar riðlarnar sum eitt slag av mótmæli svam 59.50 í eini Jaked drakt, í serligum eyka (men ótýðandi) ‘timed trial’. Stekelburg vildi sambært Craig Lord vísa á órættvísi við hesum allarnýggjastu draktunum; og tá skulu vit væl minnast til, at Speedo LZR absolutt eisini er ein superdrakt.
Í eftirfylgjandi grein á SwimNews greiðir tiltikni Jacco Verhaeren frá hendingini, og heldur at allar hesar superdraktir eiga at verða bannaðar, íroknað tær sum komu í 2008.
Nowadays alot of people see the LZR as the ‘normal’ suit and a newcomer as Jaked as cheating. I think this is not true. They forgot what we have seen in 2008. Banning one suit will make the other one the better suit and so on until there are no [2008] suits anymore … and this is the ONLY fair solution: ban all suits [2008-09 generation]
Verhaeren var venjari hjá superstjørnini Pieter van der Hoogenband, umframt at hann í dag venur supersprintaran Marleen Veldhuis, og greinin er tí eitt áhugavert innlít í hvussu teir vóru noyddir at royna allar hesar draktir, og funnu útav at tað kom alt ann uppá svimjaran, svimjigreinina og teinin, hvør sum var best. Eftir øllum at døma vann BlueSeventy oftast vísindaligu testirnar; men svimjararnir kláraðu seg tó ofta betri í øðrum, í meira veruligari svimjing.
“In 2008 we only talked about LZR and in the end about Blue Seventy and TYR (consider the times of Leveaux…). Four months later it’s Jaked and I’m sure, because we test, there will be another one extra [to add to the list of problems] in Rome. It’s not fair and it will never be. All suits are more or less performance enhancing.
“And more or less is the problem here, we don’t know for sure. This also means we don’t know for sure if we have seen the right winner or the right record. Only one party can prevent this and make honest comparison possible … FINA. Until that time I will try to find the best suits for all my swimmers. Because performing is my job.”