Listin av góðkendum draktum er komin

SSF formaðurin gav okkum eitt praj í áðni um, at listin av góðkendum draktum er at finna á Her stendur m.a. at LZR er framvegis góðkend, meðan Arena X-Glide, Jaked 01 og BlueSeventy eru vrakaðar.

Yvirlýsingin hjá FINA ljóðar soleiðis:

“The FINA Commission in charge of the swimwear approval, formed by representatives of the FINA Executive, FINA Technical Swimming Committee, FINA Coaches Commission, FINA Athletes Commission, and FINA Legal Councillor had a meeting on May 18, 2009 in Lausanne (SUI) and after reviewing 348 swimsuits from 21 manufacturers forwarded its proposal to the FINA Executive, who decided the following:

  • 202 swimsuits approved;
  • 10 swimsuits rejected for not passing the tests of buoyancy and/or thickness;
  • 136 swimsuits to be modified in accordance with “Dubai Charter” rule 3.1 c), as they don’t fulfil the requirement stating that “swimsuit material shall not be constructed to or include elements/systems which create air/water trapping effects during use”. The manufacturers have now a deadline of maximum 30 days (until June 19, 2009) to resubmit the same swimsuit for FINA approval, with the corresponding corrections (“Dubai Charter” rule 4.3 d).

The complete list of approved swimsuits (valid until December 31, 2009) can be found on the FINA official website at

Meeting FINA/Swimming Coaches

On May 19, 2009 FINA and a group of swimming coaches coming from 18 countries met at the EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Lausanne (SUI), where Prof Jan- Anders Manson, Director of the Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Technology, presented the procedures of the testing process defined on the FINA swimwear approval regulations.

The exchange of opinions was very constructive and the direction to be taken on the swimwear approval process is certainly better understood.”

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12 thoughts on “Listin av góðkendum draktum er komin”

  1. Hatta kemur at knekka nakkan á teimum sum skulu góðkenna draktir, um nøkur ár. 202 draktir á listanum bara í ár, har modellini eru sovorðið sum III jan09, IV jan09 og IIImar09. Um nøkur ár eru 4000+ model á listanum, um hatta fer at minna bara eitt sindur um aðrar mótabransjur

  2. Her er so nógv sum skal ruddast upp í, hvat við øllum nationalum metum sum eru sligin seinasta ½ ári í Jaked og Blue70? Ja ella kravtíðir sum fólk hava svomi til HM?
    Eingin ivi er jú um hvussu nógv hesar draktir ávirka, og hvussu skulu teir svimjarir nú svimja, hvar skal motivationin koma frá? Eingin ivi er um, at nógvir bringu og firvaldsvimjarir sum hava brúkt hesar flótudraktir sum hava gjørt bringu og firvald til næstan totala free-surface svimjing fáa meira enn trupult við at svimja skjótt aftur. ESP 50 og 100m firvald hjá monnum. BEL & NED Alt firvald og bringa hjá kvinnum og monnum, + sprint frí hjá kvinnum og monnum. ITA 200m frí hjá kvinnum. FRA 50 & 100m frí hjá monnum. Skal FINA nú til at geva wild cards út við gratis sekundum til tey sum ikki fáa loyvi til at nýta tær draktir sum (og FINA var vælvitandi um hetta) hava vent alt á høvdi?

    FINA & Craig Lord eru til at “#¤%&%¤#”!”#¤%…..

    1. Kann man góðkenna eina tilmeldingartíð til HM, sum er svomin í eini BlueSeventy, lat okkum siga eftir tann 31. mars? (tvs. dagin tá ið tær í seinasta lagi skuldu latast inn til test, men eftir at FINA hevði samtykt Dubai sáttmálan, sum rættiliga greitt segði at draktir sum BlueSeventy ikki kundu góðtakast). Ella er tað fyrst nú at man ikki kann seta góðkenda tíð longur í hesum draktum? Ella er tað okkurt løgið stað ímillum hesar báðar dagfestingar?

      Eg haldi at tað er nokk so páfallandi, at FINA ikki beinanvegin ger (ella rættari, gjørdi) heilt greitt, hvussu støðan var viðvíkjandi sovorðnum uppløgdum ivamálum. Hví kom reglan beinanvegin í gildi, at tú bara mátti svimja í einari drakt, tá ið eingin samstundis tók seg saman til líka at smita eina sovorðna vátdrakt í vatnið, til at síggja um hon fleyt? Vit hava jú hoyrt at har skuldi fleiri kilo til at søkkja tær, so tað mátti verið upplagt at forbjóðað teimum.

  3. Endurgivið av “Tony Austin brings up a great point as always, in that FINA is allowing people paid by Speedo to be on the committee that makes the decisions regarding the list, which is ridiculous. Tony and I are both on the same page in our thinking that Speedo has too much influence and this list pretty much proves us right. The line was drawn at the LZR, and every recent suit that could be considered better was removed from competition”


    “I think that FINA has made a real blunder here. Keeping the LZR and ditching the rest leaves us no better… it actually makes it all worse:

    1. They haven’t solved the issue of cost. The LZR is still $550 and new suits that comply will still have an outrageous price tag.
    2. We still can’t compare with past generations.
    3. What do we do with records set in unapproved suits? Craig Lord is already proudly announcing that the sub-21 50 free by Bousquet and sub-47 100 free by Bernard never happened.
    4. With the LZR still in play, don’t we still have the same issues with ‘performance enhancement?’ The “world record bull run” started with Speedo and their “2%” improvement.
    5. What happens to all of those athletes who are sponsored by companies who will now be struggling because Speedo is the only major tech suit still legal?
    6. The only issue that might be solved here is that of the “level playing field,” since now Speedo will own nearly 100% of the market share.”
    1. FINA hevur re-lanserað sín lista, tí at trý modell av Speedo LZR væntaðu (LZR Racer full, LZR Racer pants – long og LZR Racer pants – short), og eisini rættað eitt modell sum kom skeivt á listan (“Swimskin Suit Sleeveless full” skuldi vera “Rocket 2skin full”). Sí tíðindi á

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