Britta Steffen sett heimsmet í 100 frí

“The suits are back in business”, freistast man til at siga, nú týska Britta Steffen á týsku meistarastevnuni í Berlin hevur sett heimsmet í 100 frí, við tíðini 52.85. Libby Trickett átti heimsmetið á 52.88 frá í fjør. Les

2 thoughts on “Britta Steffen sett heimsmet í 100 frí”

  1. Hetta sigur Britta Steffen sjálv um sína nýggju Adidas Hydrofoil superdrakt:

    “I’m feeling in good shape but this suit is of a different world. This is a really weird piece of equipment, one that I’ve never worn before. You don’t die in the last metres and you feel no pain. Under normal circumstances, this suit should be forbidden, and I expect that by 2010 it will be. I felt like a speedboat in water and never in my life would I have believed that a human could glide like that.”

    “this material can destroy the sport of swimming.”

    “Das ist das Krasseste, was ich je erlebt habe. Mein neuer Anzug ist wie von einem anderen Stern, wie ein Weltraumanzug”…”Man schwimmt wie auf einer Luftmatratze. In dem Anzug bin ich knapp eine Sekunde schneller.”

    „Das Ding bringt so viel Geschwindigkeit. Du stirbst nicht auf den letzten Metern, du hast keine Schmerzen.“

    Allastaðni stendur variantar av hesum

    She credited her speed to her full-body ‘hydrofoil’ swimsuit, which is set to be banned next year.

    Altso hon gevur draktini æruna fyri sína ferð. Er tað veruliga tað vit vilja, at tað skal verða draktin sum avger kappingina?

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