USA Today / AP skriva: “German swimmer Britta Steffen has pulled out of the short-course season, saying she was not ready to compete”. AFP veit at siga at hitt stóra týska navnið, Paul Biedermann, hevur ein lærskaða, men at hann væntandi verður klárur til í øllum førum World Cup í Berlin.
Tey royna at fáa Biedermann kláran, tí tað sjálvsagt hevur stóran týdning fyri stevnuna Berlin. Men skaði er skaði.¢ermoduleid=1479&multiid=2596&lm=true&dm=true&teasergrossmaxbreite=400&teasergrossmaxhoehe=300
Tað kann ikki vera so alvorligt
Ein av allar størstu musklunum í kroppinum.. skal tað ikki pína?
Eg skal so heilsa og siga at læri hjá P.B. er størri enn alt 1.lið hjá B68 tilsaman = nógv pína ;o)
Craig Lord hevur refererar frá práti við lækna og fyrrverandi heimsmeistari í 50 bringusvimjing, Mark Warneke …
But the tear is in a part of the leg that would have been critical for a runner of a breaststroke swimmer but not for a freestyle specialist (particularly one with a compress suit around the muscle, perhaps)
Jamen tað var tað eg helt 8-J
“German reports talk of Steffen’s form as being “in the cellar” after a training tour in Australia that “did not go to plan”.” … “Steffen had planned to train alongside Cate Campbell, the 17-year-old Aussie sprint ace, but that had not worked out and she ended up training alone while in Australia.”