Tað sigur Cullen Jones, her á Twitter: “Did you know that 90% of kids that drown in LA are supervised during the accident…. scary stuff”. Eg havi leitað eitt sindur á internetinum, og tað er scary stuff …
Sí til dømis hesa grein á CNN: “Recent research from the National SAFE KIDS Campaign shows that nearly 9 out of 10 children between ages 1 and 14 who drowned were under supervision when they died.”
“Kids slip in the water like a pebble going under,” said Dr. Marty Eichelberger, CEO of the National SAFE KIDS Campaign. “As they try to get themselves out of the water, they sorta streamline their bodies making this linear form, and it takes them straight to the bottom. They only have a minute or two before they loose consciousness. … It is a silent thing because they are under the water. They are trying to get themselves to the point where they can breathe, and as they breathe, they just suck in more water.”
Ella her, um “Drowning Prevention”: “90% of drowning deaths occur within 10 yards of safety.” … “Toddlers naturally like to explore. They are mobile and get away from the watchful eyes of adults quickly. They are top-heavy. They tend to fall forward. They don’t have enough muscles to pull themselves out of a five gallon bucket or a toilet.”
Ráðini eru allatíð at hava eyguni við hvørjum einstakum barni, tá ið tað er nær vatni, at læra seg lívbjarging og fyrstahjálp, at læra barnið at svimja longu tá ið tað er 4 ár, men ikki líta á at tað er nóg mikið, og eiheldur líta á flótiamboð og líknandi. Sí t.d. her á Safe Kids Oklahoma:
To help keep kids safe this pool season, Safe Kids Oklahoma recommends these precautions:
- Always actively supervise children in and around water. Don’t leave, even for a moment. Stay where you can see, hear and reach kids in water. Avoid talking on the phone, preparing a meal, reading and other distractions.
- If you have a pool or spa, or if your child visits a home that has a pool or spa, it should be surrounded on all four sides by a fence at least five feet high with gates that close and latch automatically. Studies estimate that this type of isolation fencing could prevent 50 percent to 90 percent of child drownings in residential pools.
- A pool or spa should be equipped with an anti-entrapment drain cover and a safety vacuum release system to prevent children from being caught in the suction of the drain. The powerful suction forces can trap a child underwater or cause internal injuries.
- Don’t leave toys in or near the pool, where they could attract unsupervised kids. For extra protection, consider a pool alarm and alarms on the doors, windows and gates leading to the pool.
- Enroll your kids in swimming lessons around age 4, but don’t assume swimming lessons make your child immune to drowning. There is no substitute for active supervision.
- Don’t rely on inflatable swimming toys such as “water wings” and noodles. If your child can’t swim, stay within an arm’s reach.
- Learn infant and child CPR. In less than two hours, you can learn effective interventions that can give a fighting chance to a child whose breathing and heartbeat have stopped. Contact [hospital, fire department, recreation department] at ###-###-### or [Web site] for information about local CPR classes.
- Keep rescue equipment, a phone and emergency numbers by the pool.
Of fyri at venda aftur til Drowning Prevention …
“The most important component of preventing drownings is constant supervision.”