USA Swimming almannakunnger nú tey 46 útstoyttu

Amerikanska svimjisambandið hevur nú lagt út ein lista við nøvnum á teimum 46 sum síðani 1991 eru útilokað frá amerikanskari svimjing fyri lívstíð. Listin telur millum annað fyrrverandi landsliðsstjóran Everett Uchiyama, útilokaður í 2006 fyri “inappropriate sexual behavior”. Craig Lord hevur her á eina betri útgávu av listanum, har hann í greiðari talu hevur skrivað hvat tey ymisku eru útilokað fyri, heldur enn at brúka kotur sum amerikanararnir. Sambært honum eru 36 av hesum útilokað vegna kynsliga misnýtslu, 2 vegna svik, 2 vegna okkurt ikki tilskilað lógarbrot, 1 vegna ólógligan heilivág (doping?), og 5 uttan upplistin av orsøk, tí at ongar kotur funnust tá ið tey vórðu útstoytt.

9 thoughts on “USA Swimming almannakunnger nú tey 46 útstoyttu”

  1. OK, verður rok … giti at Wielgus rýkur, um hann er uppíblandaður:

    Former USA Swimming national team director Everett Uchiyama no longer works for a Colorado club after his named turned up on a list of those under a lifetime ban from the national governing body.Uchiyama was the aquatics director at the Country Club of Colorado, located about five miles away from the USA Swimming headquarters in Colorado Springs. He landed a job at the club after resigning from USA Swimming over allegations that he had a sexual relationship with an underage swimmer.

    The club released a statement late Wednesday afternoon saying that Uchiyama had “resigned” effective immediately.The statement says that USA Swimming gave Uchiyama a positive reference, and he didn’t show up on any background checks since he was never charged with a crime.

    1. Huff,

      “As is the club’s standard practice, hiring protocol was followed when he was initially hired, including a thorough background check prior to his first day of employment. This included a positive reference with USA Swimming,” the statement said. “The club was previously unaware of the allegations in today’s news report. The Country Club of Colorado takes the welfare of its guests very seriously and took immediate action in regards to this matter.”

    2. Í øllum førum visti hann ikki um nakrar sum gav positivt viðmæli vegna USA Swimming, hóast at Uchiyama hevði beinleiðis tilvísing til Wielgus.

      Country Club of Colorado sigur jú, men sigur seg ikki hava lógligan rætt at útflýggja skjølini.

      Nú hevur SwimmingWorld bitið seg fast í hendan partin av søguni, so vit hoyra nokk meira.

    1. Pat Hogan hjá USA Swimming lýsti Uchiyama sum “Fantastic – most popular employee in the organization”, tá ið Country Club of Colorado ringdi fyri at hoyra hvat USA Swimming helt um mannin. Hetta hóast hann tá stóð á ikki-almenna listanum hjá USA Swimming yvir fólk bannað uppá lívstíð

      Tað er lítil ivi um at Wielgus & co nú hanga í klønum tráð, sum leiðarar av USA Swimming

      1. Aj aj aj …

        Allard said he finds it hard to believe that Hogan knew nothing about the agreement, given that he heads up one of six departments under the overall control of executive director Chuck Wielgus. If Hogan didn’t know, Allard said, that shows Wielgus has gone to extraordinary lengths to cover up sexual abuse claims against USA Swimming.

        “I’ve always believed that USA Swimming was inept,” Allard said. “But it wasn’t until yesterday, when I deposed Mr. Hogan, that I became convinced this organization is corrupt to its leadership core.”

        Hasin Hogan hevur ikki hildið seg aftur …

        In his Dec. 26, 2006, recommendation, Hogan said he would rehire Uchiyama at USA Swimming if given the chance, though he noted, “I was not his supervisor.”

        Hogan’s recommendation to the country club dealt with several issues:
        _ Dependability: “Yes, more than was required.”
        _ Ability to get along with others: “Fantastic. Most popular employee in (organization).”
        _ Initiative: “Outstanding.”

        Hetta er úr grein hjá Associated Press

      2. Uff,

        But Uchiyama is just part of the criminal culture that pervertly pervaded USA Swimming.

        This is an organzation that is being sued by several parties as a result of a bevy of charges of sexual misconduct by coaches and officials.

        The organization has bealatedly revealed a list of 46 such coaches and officials that have been banned as a result of the allegations, but claims of cover-ups still dog the organization.

  2. San Jose Mercury News hevur fingið fatur á einum telduposti, har sjálvur forsetin í amerikanska svimjisambandinum, Chuck Wielgus, persónliga svarar eini klagu um at svimjivenjarin Andy King skuldi hava gjørt seg kynsliga inn á ikki myndugar svimjarar. Hann hevur her tosað við teirra sakførara, og sigur:

    1. No formal complaint is being filed, so there is no formal action for you or us to take.
    2. You should monitor the situation and alert us if any new information comes forward.
    3. USA Swimming will open a file on this matter and while we will take no action at this time, we will remain alert for any new information.
    4. This matter should be kept confidential by both you and us.
    5. When and if any new information comes forward, we will assess the situation at that time and determine if any action is required.”

    Hesin svimjivenjarin King hevur eftirfylgjandi fingið dóm, og situr 40 ár í amerikanskum fongsli fyri sínar misgerðir. Okkurt sigur mær at um nógv meira sovorðið kemur fram, so endar tað við at Wielgus sleppur inn at heilsa uppá King, í ordiliga langa tíð.

Ger viðmerking

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