Mark Foster: “Joensen puts a big smile on my face”

Kommentatorarnir á Eurosport, bretin Mark Foster og týskarin Thomas Rupprath, taka samanum 1500 finaluna:

Eurosport Carrie Anne: “…And then we had the 1500 m, that was some race also…

Mark Foster: “Yeah, I’m really happy for Joensen. I mean, obviously, Rouault came back. You know, he basically waited and buyed his time until the last 300 m and then just went for it. And he was hoping that Joensen didn’t get too far ahead, but for me Joensen puts a big smile on my face. The fact is he is junior European champion two years ago, trains in a small pool, no facilities, and he came out there, and he went for it, and he hanged on – that is a brilliant story!

Eurosport Carrie Anne: “And he told me, he couldn’t do anything else…


Mark Foster: “He couldn’t do… …[he had] no more left. Yeah, no absolutely. He is the young one. He is the least experienced. There is a lot of experience swimmers in there. He took a lot of big caps in his first senior international competition. It was priceless. I think it was brilliant!

Eurosport Carrie Anne: “Rouault was doing everything right, right?

Thomas Rupprath: “Yeah, very good tactic. He makes a very, very good last 300 hundred, when you see him,
he makes every 300 6 by feet and he looks very great. And yeah, he was a great champion, Very nice time, french record, and congratulations to France.

Sí videobrotið her. Eurosport hevur eisini mynd av Pizzetti, Rouault og Joensen.

One thought on “Mark Foster: “Joensen puts a big smile on my face””

  1. Sett mynd inn her omanfyri, av teimum báðum Pál Joensen og Mark Foster.

    Mark er ikki hvør sum helst, men fleirfaldur heimsmetahaldari etc.

    Tað er faktiskt vegna hann at tað eitur “Take your Marks!”


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