Fekk eitt minni sjokk, nú eg hugdi at yvirlitinum sum Google Reader gevur mær við tíðindum um Pál Joensen. Har er fult av søgum, í teimum heilt stóru bløðunum, og tey eru sum heild annaðhvørt knøpp og kontant, við upplistingum av tíðunum, ella víðkað við rósandi orðum um okkara Pál.
Tak til dømis greinina her hjá The Telegraph:
In an incredible race at the Alfred Hajos swimming complex on Margaret Island, Joensen, a triple gold medallist at the European Junior Championships in 2008, led with three laps to go before Italian Sebastian Roualt found enough resolve to snatch the lead at the 1425m mark and take gold. Joensen finished 1.73secs adrift in a new Nordic record.
No one really remembers silver but Telegraph Sport was still on hand after the race to track down Joensen. After all, there could be more to come as he will compete in the 800m freestyle. And gold really would deserve a Faroese national holiday after years of 7-1 scorelines in European and World Cup qualifiers.
Ein stuttlig viðmerking seinni í hasari greinini: “Asked what welcome he might receive on his return, Joensen hinted that it would be a “big evening”. It should be a national holiday. ”
Ein á BBC livebloggaði her: “Not often I get the chance to live-text the Faroe Islands on to glory, but it might just happen here. Pal Joensen of that parish, 19 years old, leads the men’s 1500m freestyle with a couple of minutes to go.”
Her á LaDépêche.fr skriva tey á fronskum: “À 19 ans, et contraint de s’entraîner dans un bassin de 25 m car aucune piscine ne fait 50 m sur son île, Joensen peut être confiant en l’avenir.”
Sum Google Translate týðir til: “At age 19, and forced to train in a 25m pool because no does 50m on his island, Joensen can be confident in the future.”
Her á Südwest Presse stendur á týskum: “Gestern wurde in Budapest EM-Geschichte geschrieben. Nicht Paul Biedermann mit seiner Goldmedaille über 200 Meter Freistil tat dies, sondern ein 19-Jähriger mit wenig Haaren auf dem Kopf und eisernem Willen”
Sum Google Translate týðir til: “Yesterday was written in Budapest Championship history. Paul Biedermann not with his gold medal in the 200-meter freestyle did this, but a 19-year-old with little hair on his head and an iron will.”
Franska Libération skrivar: “On a longtemps cru que Joensen écrirait la belle histoire de la semaine : ce gaillard de 19 ans, couvert d’or chez les juniors, s’entraîne en effet toujours aux Féroé… c’est-à-dire dans des bassins de 25 mètres, les seuls dont il dispose là-bas. On fait le calcul : pour un 1 500 mètres, il se tape donc 60 longueurs de bassin, ce qui finira par faire de lui une sorte d’artiste du virage. Bon.”
Sum Google Translate týðir til: “It was long believed that Joensen write the wonderful story of the week: the fellow of 19, covered with gold in the juniors, because trains always Faroe … that is to say pools of 25 meters The only available to him there. We did the math: for a 1500 meters, it is typed is 60 lengths of pool, which will eventually make him a sort of artist of the turn. Good.”
Eysturríkska Der Standard skrivar her okkurt ógvuliga lyriskt: “Der Farbenlehre nicht genug, glänzte über die 1500 m Kraul nicht der französische Sieger Sébastien Rouault am hellsten, sondern der silberne Pál Joensen.”
Sum Google Translate týðir til: “The theory of color is not enough, shone on the 1,500 m freestyle at the French champion Sebastien Rouault not the brightest, but the silver Pál Joensen.”
Og tað blívur bara við
“Es gibt auf den Färöern keine geeigneten Schwimmbecken. Trotzdem hat der 19-Jährige die erste Medaille sein Inselreich bei internationalen Meisterschaften. Und das ohne Wollmütze. Chapeau!
Google umsett: “There is no suitable pool in the Faroe Islands. Nevertheless, the 19-year-old the first medal to be islands in international competitions. And without wool cap. Chapeau!”
Og í aðrari grein, eisini á Frankfurter Allgemeine:
“Knudsens große Zeit ist längst vorbei, was man auch daran erkennen kann, dass in den vergangenen drei Jahren Pal Joensen zum Sportler des Jahres auf den Färöern gewählt wurde. Und es müsste vermutlich schon ein Sieg gegen die deutsche Fußball-Nationalelf her, um noch zu verhindern, dass Joensen bei der Wahl auch in diesem Jahr wieder die Nase vorn haben wird.”
Google umsett: “Knudsen’s heyday is long gone, as you can see also that was elected in the past three years, Pal Joensen athlete of the year in the Faroe Islands. And it would have probably been making a victory against the German National Football Team, to prevent even that Joensen in the election in this year also will have his nose in front.”
“Trayectoria excepcional
El caso de Joensen es un caso excepcional. Este estudiante de matemáticas se entrena en la única piscina que hay en su isla, Sudoroy, que cuenta con 5.000 habitantes. La pileta es de 25 metros y tiene sólo cuatro calles.”
Google umsett:
“Exceptional Career
Joensen’s case is exceptional. This math student is trained in the only pool that is on his island, Sudoroy, which has 5,000 inhabitants. The pool is 25 meters and has only four lanes.”