Avstralska Libby Trickett kunnger í dag á Twitter, at hon nú offisielt er byrjað at venja aftur. Hon gavst annars aftaná HM í Rom í fjør, eftir at hava vunnið bronsu har í 100 frí. Og er annars forsvarandi OL-meistarin í 100 firvald frá OL í Beijing í 2008. Hetta kann vera serliga gott fyri stafettina hjá avstraliukvinnum, sum tey t.d. skriva á blogguni Speed Endurance.
So I guess it’s official? I’m officially starting back swimming. I must admit I’m excited about smelling like chlorine 24/7 again!!
SwimNews.com skrivar: “Although Trickett had of late believed that it would be possible to race for a place in Shanghai at trials in April, she is pragmatic about rules that rule her out until eight weeks or so after Australian trials and nationals in April 2011.”
Trupulleikin er antidoping-reglur hjá Avstralia, FINA og WADA sum siga: “A competitor who has given notice of retirement to FINA may not resume competing unless he or she notifies FINA in writing at least nine months before he or she expects to return to competition and is available for out-of-competition testing at any time during the period before actual return to competition”
Um hon nú flytir til Spania, so sleppur hon óiva við sum eitt undantak…
Beint nú sær tað ikki út til at FINA nýtir WADA reglur til annað enn vegleiðingar…