2 thoughts on “Dick Schoulberg um Fran Crippen”

  1. Góð grein her á SQAC, um hvussu tey ymisku peika fingrar at hvørjum øðrum. Vísir seg nú at løgreglan á staðnum er farið at kannað málið. :

    The finger pointing begins. FINA is pointing fingers at Fran Crippen and his coach …
    The United Arab Emirates Swimming Federation Secretary blames FINA …
    Thomas Lurz, the event winner blames all the governing bodies for allowing swimmers to compete in dangerous conditions and with little support …
    The only organization that feels enough outrage to aggressively look into this horrible tragedy is the UAE Fujairah Police Department who have opened an inquiry into Crippen’s death. These people get it! This could be acknowledged an accidental homicide

    Gud viti hvat straffurin fyri óviljað manndráp er í Sameindu Arabisku Emiratunum.

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