Michael Phelps roynir seg nú sum stjørna eisini í telduspæli, tá ið “Push the Limit” kemur út til Xbox 360 við Kinect í juni mánaða í ár. Spælararnir standa upprættir og gera svimjirørslur við ørmunum, og svimja so skjótari tess rættari teknikkurin er. Beinini telja ikki við. Phelps sjálvur sigur at kravdi armtaksteknikkurin er ógvuliga realistiskur: “It’s extremely realistic. If you had asked me five years ago if I ever thought I would have a video game coming out with swimming in it, I’m not sure what I would have said. I would never ever have thought it would be like it is. It is cool and fun.”. Lesið her á USA Today.
“This actually may be the game that inspires me to buy an X-box! Damn you Michael Phelps! I swore I would never buy anything from Microsoft EVER!”