Swimmingworld Magazine: It would be really cool to see this guy on the medals podium

Jeff Commings og John Lohn úr Swimmingworld Magazine taka samanum kappingarnar í dag og søgurnar, ið eru knýttar at úrslitunum. Teir leggja út við 200 frí semifinaluna hjá kvinnum og finaluna monnum, har 5 manns svimja undir 1:45, ið var óhoyrt tá Thorpe var kongurin í greinini. Phelps fekk “bara” silvur í 200 frí aftanfyri Lochte, og Phelps sær út til skulla stríðast í 200 firvald, ið er finalan, sum Jeff Commings gleðir seg mest til. Hinvegin sær John Lohn 800 frí finalan sum hæddarpunktið í morgin, har hann vónar at Pál fær eitt heiðursmerki (18 min og 40 sek inni í sendingini). Ella les hvat teir søgdu longri niðri.

Jeff Commings: Alright John, I told you that 200 fly for me tomorrow is going to be the race I’m most excited about. What you most looking forward to tomorrow?

John Lohn: Eh let me just give it a quick thought. You know what, the mens 800 freestyle! Because Sun Yang went and had a great prelim swim. And the Chinese are going to be right behind him. But from the Faroe Islands, I think it’s Pál Joensen with 7:45 this morning in the prelims, put himself in the top 25 all-times, the Faroe Islands have about a population of like a small town. There is no 50 m pool there. The guy might end up on the medal stand. I hope they have the flag for him.

Jeff Commings: [LOL] I’m sure they have it flown in or maybe they brought it in with Pal. I think your right, it’s going to be a very big encouragement for his VERY small country. I mean, just one of the great success stories of the meet.

John Lohn: Absolutely. It was one of those things you kind of smirked on press saying: It would be really cool to see this guy on the medals podium.

Jeff Commings: Absolutely.

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