E-sport kann koma upp á tal á OL, um spølini ikki eru harðlig

Hetta veit South China Morning Post at siga, frá IOC-forsetanum Thomas Bach. Tey vilja gjarna hava betri fatur á teimum ungu, og vilja tí umhugsa E-sport sum OL-grein, um spølini fylgja standardiseraðum reglum, og ikki eru blóðug ella diskrimerandi.

“We want to promote non-discrimination, non-violence, and peace among people. This doesn’t match with video games, which are about violence, explosions and killing. And there we have to draw a clear line,” he said.


“So if ever somebody is competing at playing football virtually or playing other sports virtually, this is of high interest. We hope that, then, these players are really delivering sports performance. If [fans] at the end would even play the sports in the real world, we would even be more happy,” he said.

Telduspøl eru longu nú á skrá til asiatisku leikirnar í Hangzhou í 2022. Sum merkir at tey eru nærri innliman í Olympisku Leikir, enn vit í Føroyum ið sum kunnugt ikki sloppu at luttaka undir egnum flaggi á evropeisku leikunum í Baku í 2015.

Photo by artubr

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