Tað skrivar altjóða svimjisambandið FINA her, og sigur seg fult út viðurkenna avgerðarrættin hjá altjóða ítróttardómstólinum CAS.
“FINA fully recognises CAS as the independent adjudicatory body in cases such as these. We’re grateful for their quick consideration of this matter, and we will both respect and implement CAS’s decision. FINA is also grateful to WADA for its diligence in bringing the Operation LIMS information to our attention. As a proud signatory of the WADA Code, we were duty-bound to follow up quickly and carefully on the material provided,” said FINA President Husain Al-Musallam. “FINA remains fully committed to protecting clean athletes and promoting clean competition at Tokyo 2020, just as we do for all the events on our calendar.”