Leiðslan í evropeiska svimjisambandinum LEN var í dag til privat viðtal hjá Frans páva, í bókasavninum hjá honum í apostólska háborgini í Vatikaninum. Undirritaði formaður í SSF luttók har eisini, sum limur í ‘bureaunum’ hjá LEN.

Tað var ikki nakað langt viðtal, kanska serliga tí at heilsustøðan hjá pávanum ikki er so góð, vegna onkrar mjadnatrupulleikar. Forseti LEN og pávin hildu eina røðu í part, um komandi EM í Róm og um støðuna annars, har ynskið um frið var í hásæti vegna kríggið í Ukraina.
Her eitt innslag frá vitjanini
Tit kunnu ætla at hetta var heldur serligt, at sleppa soleiðis inn í hjartað av Vatikan-statinum, fram við sveisaralívverjuna og inn í privata bústaðin hjá pávanum.
Her er talan hjá LEN forseta Antonio Silva:
“Your Holiness, We are deeply honoured and touched by the attention you are devoting to the European Aquatics family here in Rome, particularly now as the European Aquatics championships is approaching. Being received in the magnificence of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican City is a moment of privilege and reflection to affirm the deep bond uniting sport and the world. We are here with the members of the Bureau of the European Aquatics Federation, representing many European countries with different cultures and social affiliation, but featuring a world which committed to the values of faith, sport and solidarity among people. The Holy Bible shows us the way every day, proclaiming physical activities, the training of the body and soul as an image of life and a fundamental element of civilisation. Sport breaks down all walls and promotes the message of peace and mutual respect. LEN, representing the European aquatic movement, does its utmost to share this teaching and nourish the values of loyalty, perseverance and dialogue. The protagonists of these messages, delivered in a universal language, are the athletes, who strive to overcome their limits while respecting their rivals; the officials, coaches and referees and volunteers; the families, who support the aspirations of their children and support their athletic and moral development while often making sacrifices on a daily basis. The European Championships in Rome are destined to be a true image of this progress, a vehicle of human ideals and spiritual principles through the expression of the aquatic sports, by gathering 1,500 athletes from 50 countries. The culture of water has always played a vital role in the rise of human mankind, and it reached a significant stage during the Roman era – having the continent’s best aquatic athletes returning to Rome is a fine reflection on ancient history and at the same time it creates another opportunity to celebrate sporting excellence. Besides that, it will also celebrate the very best of human values while sending a strong message on solidarity, on nations living in peace and a strong wish for ending absurd conflicts, bringing down barriers and erasing intolerance from our everyday life. In this delicate moment we feel more responsible than ever as messengers of peace and we implore your blessing to continue our journey”
Sjálvt bíðitíðin gekk skjótt, tá ið vit kundu njóta málningar hjá Rafael, og útsiktina sum pávin hevur tá ið hann talar til fólk á Pæturstorginum.
Frægari myndir koma seinni, frá myndamanninum hjá pávanum