Soni er ikki skjótari bringusvimjari, men tann sum bremsar minst

Áhugaverd grein her í The New York Times, um bringuteknikkin hjá Rebecca Soni, sum eigur 6 tær bestu tíðirnar í 200 bringu ár, umframt bestu tíð í 100 bringu.

World-class breaststrokers are generally distinguished by a powerful pull or, more often, a superior kick like that of Leisel Jones and Beard. Soni, a six-time N.C.A.A. champion at Southern California, is the exception.

“She’s what I would call a combiner,” said Sean Hutchison, a Team USA coach. “The timing and the way her arms and legs works is perfect, so she never slows down.”

He added: “I don’t think — and I mean this in a great way — that she’s necessarily faster than everybody else. She just slows down less than everybody else.”

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